Ownership of land, and permitted use there of, was controlled by
the Land Registry; changes of owner ship or use required
prepayment of fees by stamps SCARCE
Ownership of land, and permitted use there of, was controlled by
the Land Registry; changes of owner ship or use required
prepayment of fees by stamps SCARCE

1877 Telegraphs Colour Trial 3/
1877 Telegraphs Colour Trial 3/- dull claret, very fine mint corner block of 9 with Sheet Number ‘523’ (Boxed), overprinted SPECIMEN, Type 8, Spec Page 429, Cat £990 as singles, rare multiple. 1877 Telegrphs Colour Trial 3/
1877 Telegraphs Colour Trial 3/- grey-green (PE-SG), very fine mint corner block of 12 with inscription, overprinted SPECIMEN, Type 8, Spec Page 429, Cat £1320 as singles, rare multiple.
1877 Telegraphs Colour Trial 3/- grey-green (PE-SG), very fine mint corner block of 12 with inscription, overprinted SPECIMEN, Type 8, Spec Page 429, Cat £1320 as singles, rare multiple.